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Wow this game was pretty good and underrated,It’s not the most amazing thing I ever played, but I had a good time with it, and honestly, it was worth it. The ending? Total win-super awesome and heartwarming. Left me feeling all warm and fuzzy! 8.7 out of 10

(5 edits) (+4)

10/10 - I'm still crying as I write this. I just still can't believe it ended. I feel sick but grateful. As much as I wish to see them grow more and know what they get up to after, I ultimately wish that the team of this masterpiece is doing well in their own projects.

I had my hiccups when I started reading it but very quickly I realized that there are very few stories that achieve what this one does. I swear that I heard the enthusiasm in Roma's voice, felt the sun shining on Kurt's forehead, felt the sea as Seth walked into it...

I found myself in every character while at the same time feeling for each of them. For the first time, I was a bright star in a system, and not random body existing in space. But as soon as the first ending screen appeared, it felt like one of my planets were ripped away, then another one, and another one...

I didn't want this story to end, and I still don't want it to. I could rant about it for hours, but playing the whole loose trilogy gave me comfort in a life I've fully spent alone, hyper focusing on finding a planetarium to miraculously light it up.  Now I see that's it's not just about that, this gave and took something from me. I don't know if it'll come back, but I'm determined to shine as bright as I can with whoever orbits next, and I can only hope that some of my stardust manages be a story as moving as this one


It hits you like a freight train emotionally with really engaging characters. Literally cried. Great writing 10 out of 10.

(1 edit) (+4)

This is absolutely incredible, I don't think I've felt this emotionally invested in a story for a long time. Right now, I've only gotten the bad ending, and it actually made me feel sick, like I was experiencing the same thing in real life. Nothing seems unnecessary, because it all ends up coming back together, and the feeling of surprise when the plot takes a certain route you may not expect is extremely refreshing. The soundtrack does wonders in setting the mood. 

(1 edit) (+10)

This story left non-healing wound on my heart, I think that I will never be the same person.
I was lost for a week after my first walkthrough, even felt sick, the feeling of missed opportunities is still with me after all.
The plot've touched something really personal, and the understanding of meaningful things in my life after walkthrough was the hardest emotional blow. Yeah yeah, I was crying for 3 hours.
This story left non-healing wound on my heart, there hasn't been a day, when I wasn't thinking about friendship|loneliness|love|another meaningful stuff for 17yo guy, It feels really bad but this wound also somehow gives me a strength to live and work on my life, I've started chasing dreams after Stardust Kids and I know, that I will succeed.
I know I won't recover from this wound, but there's a flow of willpower and art bleeding out of it, I've even started writing music.
Maybe authors wouldn't see this comment, but yeah, 11/10, I wish I didn't played this VN.
And my Summer is over for now, but not forever, I think.


Oh, I believe the authors read the comments :)


Hey-hey, you were working on localization, this means at least one of those people I was writing my comment for have seen it.

This is success, small, but success



It's much bigger! I notified the creators, so they all saw it. We're all honored and glad you could experience these emotions.


Hey so what happened to the hazukashii team? I can't find anything from then at all, and Their Twitter seems to be inactive although it doesn't matter as I cant read Russian 


The Hazukashii Team — originally a group of artist friends that decided to make VNs. After three projects (With SK being the latest and the hardest one) they’ve decided it was time to stop for a while and chase personal things instead. Although they never broke apart as a team (And are all still good friends) — there’s no new team project in development as of now (And it’s doubtful that it’ll change any time in the future). If you want, you can find links to separate artists’ social media in the game’s “Authors” section (Just click on the icons and beware of 18+ content!).


This game got me crying 10/10

(1 edit) (+5)

this is actually the best story i ever read, i really wish there was more stories with Kurt and made me cry and go through a rollercoaster of emotions... but now that it's finished... i don't know what to do anymore, this gave me comfort and happiness. i'm lost.


Best game evaaaaa

(2 edits)

And,do you guys know if Kurt's astrological is libra probably. 


thanks for the translation!!!


This game has really touched my heart, it's a story that made me cry and I will allways remember. T_T

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

I want to say thanks to this VN! What happened in this VN are so real-life. It reminds me of some similar situations that I didn't try my best. Wish I learnt my lesson and had the chance to mend for it.


This VN is perfect!!!

(3 edits) (+2)

Such an amazing VN, wished you guys made more stuff!

Wholesome, comfy vibes!

(1 edit) (+2)

Its so difficult to get a good ending haha

Sadly, I can't get a good ending, and I'm not quite sure what I did wrong...

(1 edit)

You may use a spoiler-less part of the walkthrough, if it helps! It is on the "Walkthrough" link in the description.

(1 edit) (+1)

Played it recently it was good is liked the story. And if loved all of the characters


I was supposed to go to sleep, but nooo, I was desperate to see them guys happy. Though in the end I got all the endings, I screwed up my sleep schedule, but it was worth it. Best one from the Hazu team trilogy so far, even though I liked the wholesome romance from "I promise!" more


I will always remember


THIS GAME IS AMAZING, i played it in russian (my native language) and it gives such comfy vibes i just want to live in its world! this game reminds me of summer holidays and freedom... o(>ω<)o


Beautiful game

This may seems late but does you guys have discord for fans? Like im really into this VN even though it's old lol TwT

We do, it's mostly in Russian, but there is an English channel too

Thank you for telling me, you're doing me a favor <3,  the fandom and the game itself are beautiful gems, If only I could see how the game proceed, TwT , it's kinda sad knowing that there won't be any sequel to the game 

hey could u repost?


Literally finished this beautiful VN in 1 day, I wonder if there will be anything afterward for the story, damn the story was touching and heartwarming as hell.

(3 edits) (+2)

These novels touch me quite a bit, years ago.
Still come back to check them out from time to time, glad to know they're not forgotten.
(Эти новеллы довольно тронули меня еще несколько лет назад. Все еще возвращаюсь время от времени, рад знать, что они не забыты).

ok so i gave it a go again and got a good ending, loved it.


Видел еще на anivisual несколько лет назад. Это шедеврально, как и остальные ваши работы. Спасибо!

Deleted 2 years ago

File updated, please try again)

Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you. Could you please tell the model of your device and it's Android version?

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

Thanks for waiting! I couldn't catch this bug on any of my devices, but it seems like there could be a problem in the game engine itself. There is a lot of information about similar behavior of renpy games on Android 11, especially on Samsung devices. So I have just recompiled the game with the updated renpy. Could you please remove previous version of the game, and check this new one? We will update it here if it will work for you.


whew this game is hard


There is no LGBT there at all, only hints that the girl Seth loves is actually Kurt

Tag removed 👌


Eh, my hope is removed, I was hoping that I had missed something after all..


The novel is very cool, I was really worried about the characters. There are hints of a relationship, but funny. It's a pity that most likely everyone will pass first to a terrible end. 


Thank you for making novel all these years!